I understand the importance of standards; but when they
overpower what we believe, and know is good teaching I get scared. Very scared.
It is very unlikely that many of the students I have taught over the
years will end up as a published poet, but that doesn’t mean that poetry
writing should be eliminated from the classroom. Kids love writing poetry; especially, boys
because writing rules can be bent and even broken. In just a few lines their emotions are down
on paper. They feel successful, and
engaged. Would the following book been
written if Mr. Alexander’s teachers hadn’t let him write poetry in class?

Every once in awhile a book comes around and I start a list
of whom I want to share the book with.
This is one of those books. I can
see my friend Carol using this book with a small group of fifth grade to middle
school boys at her school. I can see
Liam reading it and sharing it with his friends at middle school. I can see my friend Jennifer reading aloud to
her fifth class.